
ClimateMeasure – a  GATE based web services

This application aims to extract useful indicators of climate change such as “energy use”, “carbon pollution”, etc. for particular locations, together with measurable effects such as percentages, measurements etc. and the relevant dates.


ClimaTerm  – GATE based web services.

This DecarboNet term recognition service aims to annotate documents with terms related to climate change.

Where appropriate, these terms are matched and linked to the instance of that term in relevant Linked Open Data ontologies.

eWRT (extensible Web Retrieval Toolkit)

eWRT supports the consortium in all data collection tasks. In addition to retrieving data from social networks (like Facebook or Twitter), it provides helper classes for effective caching and data management.

For instance, weblyzard_api builds upon some of its components.

Start by downloading the latest version from Github and by reading the documentation at Read The Docs.

Please note that especially the documentation is still in an early stage and might not cover all topics in depth yet.


weblyzard_api is one of the central bricks to connect the researchers of the consortium. For instance it provides a client for Recognyze (Named-Entity-Recognition), the Sentiment Analysis and a class for parsing its XML-format.

Start by downloading the latest version from Github and by reading the documentation at Read The Docs. Please note that especially the documentation is still in an early stage and might not cover all topics in depth yet.

Media Watch on Climate Change

Combines semantic services with advanced visualisations of discussed topic on social media.


D6.2.1: Earth Hour Report 2014

This deliverable summarizes the campaign activities of WWF Switzerland before, during and after the global Earth Hour campaign in 2014 and includes state of the art technology to analyse online media impact of the national and global Earth Hour campaign.

D2.2.1: Text Analytics Tools for Environmental Information Extraction

This document provides a report to accompany the three web services for environmental information extraction delivered. The web services provide tools to perform entity disambiguation, recognition of environmental terms, and extraction of environmental indicators respectively. Since the services are still in development, and this is only the first version, users are able to just make use of the web service; the final version will be made open source.

Link to the report.

D3.2.1: Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Platform

This document sheds light to the Media Watch on Climate Change (MWCC), a Web intelligence and online collaboration platform, reporting co-creation features and visualisations that aim at empowering citizens and stakeholders.

View the report.

Successful Project Meeting in London

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