Successful Project Meeting in London

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Collective Intelligence for the Common Good

The workshop Collective Intelligence for the Common Good features the CATALYST project. It was organised by the The Open University’s in its London campus on September 28-29, 2014, gathering people with complementary experiences and very keen to establish an Open Research and Action Community Network.

Have a look at the participants:

We contributed to the discussions by presenting our experiments on engagement with energy saving.

D 6.1: Mobilisation and Petition Tool

This document summarizes functionalities, technical key information and designated use of WWF Switzerland’s Mobilisation and Petition Tool for large scale awareness campaigns in the Decarbonet framework.

See the document.


D4.1: Models and Services for Representing User Activities and Context

This deliverable summarises the efforts on developing novel semantic models for capturing and infering information about the user in different context (his/her behaviour, needs, personality, preferences, etc.).

Link to the deliverable.

CAPS Conference 2014

Arno Scharl presented DecarboNet in a Nutshell” during the CAPS 2014 Conference – The 1st International Event on Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation.

The Conference took place in Brussels  in 1-2 July 2014.


Slides are available  at:

D5.1: Engagement Roadmap

Engaging people does not mean only attracting users to a social platform, but also getting them to use the platform and associated technologies to bring about improvements and social change.

This report discusses engagement strategies with the energy saving issue.


D1.2: Social Requirements Specification

Co-creation workshops were designed and organized in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Zurich to to have in-depth insight into the profiles, life-styles, needs, and motivations of the stakeholders with regards to energy awareness.

This report documents this experience.

D2.1: Data Acquisition Infrastructure

Acquiring structured and unstructured data: Although there is a trend towards combining multiple data sources, integrated approaches tapping into multiple structured, unstructured, and social sources at various levels of abstraction are still scarce. DecarboNet addresses this shortcoming and builds upon the Media Watch on Climate Change1 when developing the required methods to contextualise environmental knowledge and track collective awareness in a granular manner.

 See the document here.


D1.1.1: Decarbonisation Methodology v 1.0

A study with people in the workplace to understand how they perceive and react to a suite of interventions towards behaviour change, such as tangible feedback, and social dynamics such as competition and collaboration to raise awareness collectively.

View the report here.