We represent 7 organisations working together, in a complementary mix of scientific, technological and social skills.

Harith Alani
KMi - the Open University
Project coordinator. Leads a group specialising in Social Semantics and Web Science.

Arno Scharl
MODUL University Vienna
Scientific coordinator. Head of the Department of New Media Technology.

Christoph Meili
WWF Switzerland
Project manager at WWF Switzerland. Expert on environmental communication.

Diana Maynard
University of Sheffield
Lead a computational linguist team at the Natural Language Processing Group.

Gregoire Burel
KMi - The Open University
Social Semantic Web researcher.

Heinz-Peter Lang
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Researcher at the Department of Information Systems and Operations.

Kalina Bontcheva
University of Sheffield
Senior researcher in the Natural Language Processing Group, Department of Computer Science.

Keyur Dave
KMi - The Open University
Senior Administration Assistant.

Lara Piccolo
KMi - The Open University
HCI researcher.

Marc Boonstra
WAAG Society
Project manager.

Meia Wippoo
WAAG Society
Concept Developer.

Miriam Fernandez
KMi - The Open University
Social Web researcher.

Raphael Hess
WWF Switzerland
Data analyst.

Simon Anderson
Green Energy Options
Chief Strategy Officer.